Terry Zerkle, President/Principal of Local Government Network, Inc., brings over 40 years professional experience to local government management and consulting, both as practitioner and as a consultant.
Prior to starting his consulting business in 2003, Mr. Zerkle enjoyed a distinguished 32-year career in local government management leading and managing high performance cities noted for creativity and innovation in Ohio, Illinois, Nevada, Texas, and Arizona. He also worked for the International City/County Management Association as a Senior Resident Advisor in Slovakia assisting with the transition to democratic local self government.
Over the course of his career, Mr. Zerkle served on numerous professional association committees and boards including: President, Local Government Managers Association of Nevada; Executive Board, Arizona City/County Management Association; Chair, ACMA Pracademics Committee; Co-Chair, ACMA Managers-in-Transition Committee; Member, ICMA Employment Agreements Committee; and Commissioner, Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. He presently serves on ICMA's International Committee where he also served as liaison to the Slovak City Managers Association.
Unique in Mr. Zerkle's background is extensive hands-on experience in negotiating major collegiate and professional sports agreements and in helping host major sporting events with attendant activities. Included among these are: relocation of the NFL Cardinals to Tempe in 1988 including construction of their corporate headquarters and team training facilities, relocation of the California Angels to Tempe for Spring Training, construction of new Spring Training facilities, planning and hosting the 1996 Super Bowl in Tempe and accompanying Super Bowl Block Party, hosting the 1996 NCAA National Championship football game in Tempe, multiple years of hosting Fiesta Bowl games in Tempe, and numerous highly successful, well attended annual Tempe New Year's Eve Fiesta Bowl Block Parties.
Mr. Zerkle is an ICMA Life Member and was voted ACMA Life Member by the membership of the Arizona City/County Management Association for distinguished service to Arizona local government and lasting contributions to the profession. This is the highest award ACMA accords a retired Arizona city manager.
Mr. Zerkle received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Administration degrees from Eastern Kentucky University. He is also a graduate of the Public Executive Institute at the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs and the Executive Development Program at the National Fire Academy.
Mr. Zerkle is an ICMA Credentialed Manager demonstrating his personal and professional commitment to life long learning and continuing professional development.
Terry Zerkle, President/Principal
41200 N. Echo Canyon Drive
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
Phone: 480.518.6138
Fax: 480.437.9103
E-mail: TZerkle@LGNinc.net
Web: www.LGNinc.net